
As he went ashore, Jesus saw a great crowd; and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.
Mark 6.43

Eternal God,
Author of our life and end of our pilgrimage:
Guide us by your word and Spirit amid all perils and temptations,
That we may not wander from your way,
But may run our course in safety until we come to our eternal rest in you;
Through the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord,
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever. Amen

Bible Readings for this week

2Samuel 7.1-14a
Psalm 89.20-37
Ephesians 2.11-22
Mark 6.30-34, 53-56

Bible readings for Sunday 25th July

2 Samuel 11.1-15
Psalm 14
Ephesians 3.14-21
John 6.1-21


Please don’t forget to use your phone to scan the QR code when entering and leaving church each week. If you don’t have a Smart phone or are unable to do this, then someone at the door of your church centre will take your details.

Please remember we have to keep the 4 metre distancing rule in church – that is we need to keep a large distance between each other. Couples can sit together at one end of a pew – and maybe one person at the other end.

Masks must be worn – and we cannot sing. Morning tea cannot be served at present.

Faithfulness in Service (FIS)
The Rev Judy Edwards will be holding a FIS workshop at St Matthews South Grafton
on Thurs 29 July at 9.30am. Anyone wishing to attend please contact Maree Collett by 23/7/21 Tel 6642 4122.

Ven Zoe Everingham will be holding a FIS workshop Sat 24th July 9am- 12.30pm ,Grafton Cathedral. Please register via the following link https:// http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/faithfulness-inservice- seminar-tickets-162197437903.

She will also be offering a Train the Trainer workshop 1.30pm-4.30pm the
same day. Register for this workshop via the following link: https:// http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/train-thetrainer- faithfulness-in-service-tickets-

  1. People looking to be trained should have the recommendation
    of their rector and the recommendation should be sent to z.everingham@bigpond.com.
  2. Alternatively you can contact Annette before midday during the week on tel 6642 2844

Op Shop Request
Please bring any unwanted clean glass screw top jars to the Op Shop. We have a shortage at the moment

Samaritans Purse – we are collecting stuffed toys and knitted teddy bears this month. Please bring them along to your church centre – or deliver to the office. Don’t forget we will soon be asking for donations towards postage costs.

Just a note. Due to COVID lockdown in Sydney, we are at present able to receive the boxes for packing. They were to be delivered next week – but now this will be sometime in August, we hope.

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