‘Peace be with you,’says the Lord. ‘As the Father has sent me, so I send you’ John 20.21

Risen Christ,
whose absence leaves us in despair but whose presence is overwhelming: breathe on us with your abundant life, that where we cannot see we may have courage to believe that we may be raised with you. Amen

Bible Readings for Sunday 7th April

Acts 4.32-37; Psalm 133; 1John1.1-2.2; John 20:19-31

Bible Readings for Sunday 14th April

Acts 3.12-20; Psalm 4; 1John 2.15-17:3.1-6; Luke 24.36b-48

Parish Prayer for April
Gracious God, We praise you for the light of new life made possible through Jesus. We praise you for the light of new life that shone on the first witnesses of resurrection. We praise you for the light of new life that continues to shine in our hearts today. We pray that the Easter light of life, hope and joy, will live in us each day; and that we will be bearers of that light into the lives of others. May we as a Parish, go forth with love for our local community, reflecting your love to each of us. Amen.
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11.25-26

Those who have asked for our prayer: Barry, Pat, Tony, Jean & Athol, Gloria, Wheindy (pronounced Wendy) Lorraine, Courtney, Carolyn, Jade, Erin, Kevin, Ruth, Matthew, Leone, Sue G, Peter L, Bruce, Joy, Doug, Warren, Frank
The Anglican Parish of Maclean is committed to protecting your privacy. The people on this prayer list have given consent for their names to be included.

Rectors Ramblings
This week I would like to share a poem with you. This was written by Malcolm Guite, an English poet, singer-songwriter, Anglican priest, and academic, in 2012.

“We do not know . . . how can we know the way?”
Courageous master of the awkward question,
You spoke the words the others dared not say
And cut through their evasion and abstraction.
O doubting Thomas, father of my faith,
You put your finger on the nub of things:
We cannot love some disembodied wraith,
But flesh and blood must be our king of kings.
Your teaching is to touch, embrace, anoint,
Feel after him and find him in the flesh.
Because he loved your awkward counter-point,
The Word has heard and granted you your wish.
O place my hands with yours, help me divine
The wounded God whose wounds are healing mine.

Easter Thank You
What a week we had for Holy Week and Easter with a huge variety of services and
celebrations and some new things among them. We had our first Dawn Service on the beach at Yamba. That attracted a couple of people who have not been in a church for years, and even one passerby. We collaborated with the Uniting Church for Good
Friday and Easter Day at Iluka and the response to this promises well for our planned regular collaboration which will hopefully begin before the middle of the year. Easter Day saw a record congregation at St James for the 10am service – but more important than numbers was the participation at all centres and a very real presence of the Holy Spirit throughout the whole week. A huge thank you to all who contributed to making these services so special.

Cursillo Fire Day
Theme: ‘Letting Go’ – This event will be held at
St John’s Anglican, Coffs Harbour Saturday 20th April 9.30am-3pm. OR
St Cuthbert’s Anglican, Tweed Heads Saturday 11th May 9.30am-3pm.
Cost $10 lunch. For more information please see the brochure on your welcome table.

Samaritans Purse Collection
During April we are collecting tennis balls, skipping ropes and yoyos. Thank you. Heather (0407848304).

BCA Boxes: Just a reminder to those with BCA boxes, they are due for return. Thank you Nola

North Coast Anglican
Please note the following deadline dates for the NCA for the remainder of the year:
Monday 6 May; Wednesday 24 July; Monday 4 November.
If you wish to contribute to the NCA, please forward your content to nca@graftondiocese.org.au prior to these dates.

Some members of our congregation have noticed that the noise level in the church before services has been increasing, which can disrupt those who are trying to pray and prepare for worship. We kindly ask everyone to be mindful of this and to keep conversations quiet when in the foyer area. Once seated in the nave (the pews and seats), we ask that silence be observed.

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